How To Link Contacts With Gmail

You are working with Gmail or G Suite and you need users in your organization to share new contacts with their colleagues, in the same way that they share Google Docs or Calendars.

Open Gmail Contacts. If Google sends you to the Material Design version (which has a thick blue banner), click 'Go to the old version' in the right menu. Open the Gmail account that you have synced with your Android phone. Click on the Google menu icon on top right and select Contacts. Click on More button on the Contacts tab and choose Find & Merge Duplicates option to sync Android Contacts to Whatsapp. Gmail will display the duplicated contacts. Click Merge to remove duplicate contacts.

Here are the different ways to do it efficiently:

The simplest way: Share Google Contacts Groups (a.k.a “Contact Labels” or “Address Books”)

The best practice is to organize your contacts into labels in Google Contacts Manager and share them using the Shared Contacts for Gmail Extension for Chrome. If you are not using Chrome as a browser, you can install their web application to share Google Contacts.

Step 1: Make sure you have contact groups

In Google Contacts, you have the possibility to organize your contacts into groups. They are called “Contact Labels” in Google Contacts interface. A Contact can belong to several labels.

Create one label for each category of contacts (such as, “Clients”, “Suppliers”, “Internal”, “Private” and so on).

Add the appropriate label(s) to your contacts.

Once the contacts you want to share are in a label, you’re all set to share this group with whomever you want!

Step 2 : Share your Google Contacts

To share a Google contact group (or contact label) with other G Suite or Gmail users, simply follow these steps :

  1. Make sure you have installed Shared Contacts for Gmail Chrome Extension (if you have Chrome) or Shared Contacts for Gmail web app for other browsers.
  2. Go to Google Contacts.
  3. Click on the Share icon next to the label to open the sharing settings.
  4. Select users or users groups you want to share this contact group with (the same way you add recipients of an email).
  5. Click on “Share”.
  6. Define the permissions (View Only / Can Edit / Can Delete / Can Share / Is Owner).
  7. You are all set! In a few seconds, the users will now see the shared label in their Google Contacts and in their Android phones.
  8. If they have at least “Can Edit” permission, they will also be able to update the shared contacts or add new ones in the label.

The tedious way: import/export csv files


Create Excel files with the contact information you want to be included. You can then export this as a CSV file and send this CSV file with your colleagues who can then upload the CSV file into their own personal Google Contacts manager.

How To Link Contacts With Gmail

The main drawback with this solution is that contacts will never be up-to-date in real-time.

The business way: Use a CRM

There are many of these on the market, such as Zoho CRM or Nimble. All of these are good if you’ve got a large sales/marketing team working in collaboration with each other.

For a FREE TRIAL of Zoho CRM, click on the icon below:The limited way: Contacts Delegation

The Google Contacts Delegation Feature allows you to let another Google user to access all your contacts.

How does it work?

  1. Open Google Contacts
  2. Click on “Delegate Access”
  3. Select the account to whom you wish to give access
  4. This person will then access to all your contacts
  • Note #1: the delegated user will not have access to your labels (contact groups)
  • Note #2: The delegated user will not be able to access the shared contacts on their mobile, in Gmail autocomplete or in the contacts search bar.

How many emails do you think you receive on any given workday? 20? 50?

If you guessed 100, you’re getting a little closer.

How To Merge Outlook Contacts With Gmail

Radicati reports that 124.5 billion business emails are sent every single day. The average office worker receives 121 emails a day. That’s a lot to contend with day in and day out, making inbox zero seem like a distant dream.

There are many ways to manage your inbox, from filters to simple email forwarding. By taking advantage of Gmail’s Contacts feature, you can keep your inbox streamlined and easier to manage and work with.
Here’s a quick guide to adding contacts to your Gmail account and editing them.


Adding Contacts As They Enter Your Inbox

The quickest way to stay on top of things is to add your contacts as they enter your inbox. It can be tedious to retroactively add contacts, so you’ll save time by taking care of them from the start.

Step 1. If you’re not already in your account, log in.

Step 2. Open up the email from the person that you want to add as a contact.

Step 3. Click the three-dot menu (or More menu).

Step 4. When the menu appears, choose the person that you want to add as a contact.

Step 5. Click Add To Contacts List from the options. You can view your contacts at any time at

Step 6. You’re done – your contact has been successfully added.

Accessing and Editing Gmail Contacts

Once you get in the habit of adding your contacts to Gmail, it’s essential you keep those records up to date. As with adding contacts, make sure that you update them on a continual basis.

Step 1. Open Gmail in the browser of your choice.

Step 2. Choose the Apps icon from the menu.

Step 3. Then choose Contacts.

How To Link Contacts With Gmail

Step 4. From there, you can access and edit any of the contacts that you have saved.

How to Import Contacts into Gmail

Often, you’re only going to want to import one contact at a time, but there are times where you may need to import multiple contacts at once. As with many things in Gmail, Google has made this pretty simple.

Here’s how to do it.

Step 1. On the left navigation pane, you should see an Import option. Click this.

How To Link Contacts With Gmail Email

Step 2. Choose Select File if you have a formatted CSV.


Step 3. If you don’t, you’ll need to format your CSV into the format preferred by Gmail. The easiest way to do this is to export your current contacts into a CSV and then follow the same structure for the contacts that you’re importing.

Step 4. To get this export, you need to select Export and then choose Google CSV.

Step 5. Once the CSV downloads, delete all of the rows apart from the header, and you can use this to format the contacts that you would like to import.

Step 6. Save your file.

Step 7. Return to the Import section and click Select File.

Step 8. Select Import.

Step 9. You should now see your imported contacts in your Contact list.

Additional Reading:How to Export Contacts from Gmail

How to Delete Contacts in Gmail

Deleting contacts in Gmail is an incredibly easy task.

So how do you go about it?

Well, you can either delete a single contact or multiple contacts.

To delete a single contact, follow these steps:

Step 1. Go to your contacts in Gmail.

Step 2. Select the contact that you would like to delete from your list.

Step 3. In the top right, you will see 3 Dots as a menu item. Click this.

Step 4. You should then see an option to Delete from the dropdown. Select Delete.

Step 5. That’s it. You’re done.

What if you want to delete multiple contacts?

Step 1. Go to your contacts in Gmail.

Step 2. To the left of the contacts, you will see a checkbox next to each one. Select the checkbox for each contact you want to delete.

Step 3. You should now see a new menu. Click the 3 Dots then select Delete.

Benefits of Google Contacts

So why should you go to the trouble of adding and updating your contacts? How will organizing your contact list make you more productive? There are many good reasons to keep on top of this task:

  • All your future contacts will be automatically merged with other contacts you have
  • The people you contact most often will be added to the frequently-contacted list to keep your inbox working intelligently
  • Duplicate contacts are automatically cleaned up by Gmail, helping keep your contact list streamlined
  • Contacts can be imported or exported with the click of a button
  • Contacts can be grouped together to keep your work and your family life separate

Gmail has many features that can help you stay on top of your inbox. Organizing your contact list is just one way you can work toward achieving inbox zero.

Using Right Inbox’s Private Notes Alongside New Contacts

Constantly adding new contacts to your contact list can get unwieldy fast. Using Right Inbox’s Private Notes feature, you can add contextual notes to a contact as soon as you add them.

How To See Gmail Contacts

Private Notes in Gmail allows you to keep relevant information stored with your contacts, so you can keep your contacts straight and never have to worry about forgetting anything.

Using Right Inbox to Sync With Contacts in a CRM

Gmail Contacts List

When multiple people are working with the same contacts, emails and context can easily get lost. That’s where Right Inbox’s CRM feature can help.

This feature allows you to quickly add an email thread to your chosen CRM (Right Inbox supports all the big ones). Never lose track of contacts and discussions again – even if you or your teammate isn’t included in the original thread.

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