Sodium Atom

  1. Sodium Atom Model
  2. Sodium Element
  3. Sodium Atomic Mass
  4. Sodium Atomic Number

Sodium Spectrum The sodium spectrum is dominated by the bright doublet known as the Sodium D-lines at 588.9950 and 589.5924 nanometers. From the energy level diagram it can be seen that these lines are emitted in a transition from the 3p to the 3s levels. “Sixteen sodium atoms walk into a bar, followed by Batman.” The chemical symbol for sodium is “Na.” The Batman television show theme is: “Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na, Batman!” “Sodium x 16 = BATMAN” was cited on Twitter on December 17, 2010. “Sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium. Covalent chemical bonds involve the sharing of a pair of valence electrons by two atoms, in contrast to the transfer of electrons in ionic bonds. Such bonds lead to stable molecules if they share electrons in such a way as to create a noble gas configuration for each atom. When we write the configuration we'll put all 11 electrons in orbitals around the nucleus of the Sodium atom. In writing the electron configuration for sodium the first two electrons will go in the 1s orbital. Since 1s can only hold two electrons the next 2 electrons for sodium go in the 2s orbital. The nex six electrons will go in the 2p orbital.

What is the electron configuration for a sodium ion?

1 Answer

BRIAN M. · Stefan V.

The electron configuration of a neutral sodium atom is #1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3s^1#.

Sodium atom model

In this configuration we note that there is only one electron in the 3rd energy level. Atoms prefer to gain the stability of octet, by having eight electrons in the outer shell, the electrons of the s and p orbitals. These are referred to as the valence orbitals and the valence electrons.

In the case of sodium the one lone electron in the 3s valence shell would easily be released in order for sodium to have a filled valence shell at #2s^2 2p^6#.

Sodium atomic structure

Therefore , the electron configuration of the sodium ion is
#1s^2 2s^2 2p^6#.

Because sodium gives up the electron from the 3s orbital it now has only 10 electrons but still has 11 protons, giving it a +1 charge and it becomes a #Na^(+)# cation.

Related questions

Atoms are neutral; they contain the same number of protons as electrons. A neutral sodium atom, for example, contains 11 protons and 11 electrons. By removing an electron from this atom we get a positively charged Na+ ion that has a net charge of +1. Atoms that gain extra electrons become negatively charged.


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Sodium Atom Model

Also to know is, what is a neutral atom?

An atom that has equal number of protons and electrons is called a neutral atom. A neutral Sodium atom has atomic # 11, which means , it has 11 protons and since it is neutral, it also has 11 electrons.

Sodium Element

Secondly, how many protons neutrons and electrons are in a neutral atom of sodium? The element sodium has 12 neutrons, 11 electrons and 11 protons. The number of electrons and protons come from the element's atomic number, which is same 11. The number of neutrons can be found by subtraction of the atomic number from sodium's atomic mass of twenty three.

Sodium Atomic Mass

Sodium atom ion

In this way, why is sodium electrically neutral?

Sodium Atomic Number

Now since the charged are always added integrally, the net charged on an atom comes out to be 0 and the atom is therefore electrically neutral. Now, a sodium atom becomes an in when it donates one of its electrons to complete its octet. The charge of this one extra protons is what gives the sodium ion its +1 charge…

How many valence electrons are in a neutral atom of sodium?

11 electrons

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